Sonali Ojha is an Indian television actress. She has starred in Odia language shows aired on Tarang TV, owned by Odisha Television Limited. The channel airs family entertainment shows, family dramas, reality shows, and period dramas. Ojha has acted in KunwariBohu (2021) and PremaraKuhuka (2022), of which the latter won her popularity. She married Pragyan Sagar Das in 2020 and...
Upsana Mohanty is an Indian TV actress, anchor, and dancer who mainly works in the Odia film industry. She finished her Master of Business Administration in Bhubaneswar, Odisha in 2015. She has been a professional actor since, 2010. She is known for “Manini” a TV Series telecasted in 2017. Nisha Priyadarshini, Mamuni Mishra, and Upsana played the leading roles. Upsana...
Nishita Priyadarshini from Angul, Odisha was born in 2011. She is a very talented and well-known dancer and child actor. She went to SAI International School in Bhubaneshwar for her schooling. She is known for her fantastic acting in the Odia serial named Manini which was telecasted on Zee Sarthak. She shared the screen of Manini with some famous actors...
Mamuni Mishra from Odisha, Bhubaneshwar, is a prominent actor in the Ollywood industry. She has done several small and big roles in many Odia movies. She had been attracted to the field of acting since childhood and pursued her dream when she grew up. In the year 1999, Mamuni appeared in the movie Maa Pari Kie Heba where she did...
Sweety Patnaik is one of the most popular Odia TV actresses. She has been seen in a bunch of popular Odia television dramas. She gained attention due to her powerful lead role in Tulasi, because of which she was acclaimed for her acting style with an authoritative role in the drama. Another one is Sindura Bindu, a family drama where...
Pradyumna Lenka from Odisha, Bhubaneshwar, is a well-known face in the Odia industry. Born in 1953, Pradyumna is a popular actor and producer in the Ollywood industry and has given many big hits to the industry. He always had a keen interest in acting and joined Annapurna Theatre Group in Cuttack for improving his skills. He has been in the...
Aswini Kumar Bramha is a very popular actor from Odisha. He was born on 18th January in Ramachandrapur of Puri district in Odisha. He is married and has a daughter. His contribution to the Ollywood industry is huge and plans to offer even more in the future. His amazing acting skills run through his blood as his father Paramananda Rajguru...
Jayjeet Das from Cuttack, Odisha is a well-known Ollywood actor. He was born on 18th September 1991. He did his schooling at New Stewart School in Cuttack. His amazing acting skills have gained him many followers and he is quite famous in his hometown Odisha. He is known for his 2019 Odia film Bapa Tame Bhari Dusta directed by T...