Nilpari Khanwalkar is a gifted and distinguished artist appreciated for her acting abilities in the Indian entertainment industry, notably recognised for her impactful performance in the Marathi television industry. Nilpari gained her supporter base by working in ‘Vadalvaat,’ a 2003-2007 family drama series, orchestrated by Mandar Devsthali and scripted by Chinmay Mandlekar. In this series she portrayed the role of...
Surekha Kudchi, daughter of Kudachi Siddappa & Girija Kudachi, was a renowned Marathi actress & Lavni Dancer associated with the Marathi Film Industry. She was born on 17 July in Mumbai, Maharashtra. She has one sister named Soni Kudachi. Surekha started her career as an actress in the late 1990s. She debuted in 1995 with the movie Zakhmi Kunku, but...
Savita Malpekar is a well-known Marathi film actress. She has done several movies in many languages and is a very popular person in the Marathi film industry. She started her career in the year 1988 with the movie named “Aai Pahije”. In her long three-decade journey, Savita has acted in several films like Gadya Aapla Gaon Bara, Hathyar: Face to...
A noted Indian music composer and director, Hridaynath Mangeshkar, also known as Balasaheb, was born in Sangli, Maharashtra, India. He belongs to a legendary musical family; his father, Deenanath Mangeshkar, is a noted musician himself, and his sister is the music legend of India - Lata Mangeshkar. There are three more daughters in the family, including Asha Boshle, “Usha Mangeshkar,” and “Meena Khadikar.”...
Vignesh Joshi is an actor in the Indian Film Industry and works particularly in the Bollywood industry. Vignesh lives in Thane, Maharashtra. He has been a part of several movies and shows. Some of his popular movies are Mogra Phulaalaa, Apradh Mich Kela, Ekk Albela released in 2016, Sukhaant, Manya - The wonder boy in 2011, and Dum Asel Tar...
Deepak Joshi was born on April 10th, 2004 in Sirohi, Rajasthan, India. He spent his early childhood in Nanakmatta Uttarakhand before moving to Rajasthan with his family. His father was an astrologer and they relocated to Rajasthan since it was a better place for him to practice his profession. Deepak completed his higher secondary education in Rajasthan before moving to...
Praful Samant is an Indian actor in the Marathi film industry. He is from Vasai, Maharashtra. He completed his schooling at R P Vagh High School and graduated from Patkar College. He was a theatre artist before he started working on films and serials. He gained popularity by playing characters in supporting roles in the industry. Praful’s talent and work...