Mahesh Manjrekar is a renowned actor, director and producer in Marathi cinema. The actor has been in the film industry and theatre for over two decades now and is considered to be a powerhouse of talent. With films like Vaastav and Astitva, he made a mark for himself as a director. Afterwards, he made Virudh with Amitabh Bachchan and Sharmila...
Rasik Raj is a Marathi TV actor born on 13th October. Rasik is married and has a son, Rudra. Rasik is popular for his roles in the mythological series. Mismatch, a 2014 Marathi movie directed by Girish Vasaikar and Alok Shrivastav, had Rasik Raj in a minor role, Omkar. In 2015, Rasik Raj played in the Marathi serial Saraswati, featuring...