Akanksha Gade is a Bollywood/Hindi actress known for “Black Home (2015),” a Hindi social, thriller, drama film directed by Ashish Deo, “Dear Zindagi (2016),” a romantic drama film, directed by Gauri Shinde, and Eli Eli Lama Sabachthai (2017),” a multilingual movie written & directed by Jiju Antony. She also served as a supporting actress in a crime film “The Forsaken,”...
Abhilasha Patil was an Indian actress who worked in the Hindi and Marathi Film Industries. She was born on 6 April 1974 in Kolkata, West Bengal, and passed away on 5 May 2021 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, due to Covid. She was married to Actor-Director Shashank Udapurkar and had a son. She is known for her roles in Aath Diwas (2015),...
Sachin Deshpande is an Indian actor and theatre artist who mainly works in the Bollywood film industry. He was born on 5th July 1984. He completed his education at the University of Mumbai, graduating BCom with first class. He is mainly known for his performance in the play Maani Junction. Some of his other known works include his performance as...
Praful Samant is an Indian actor in the Marathi film industry. He is from Vasai, Maharashtra. He completed his schooling at R P Vagh High School and graduated from Patkar College. He was a theatre artist before he started working on films and serials. He gained popularity by playing characters in supporting roles in the industry. Praful’s talent and work...
Uday Salvi is an Indian actor who appears in the Marathi television serial and plays. He featured alongside Prashant Damle, Supriya Pilgaonkar, and Shyam Ponkshe in the famous Marathi play titled Aamhi Dogha Raja Rani. Uday Salvi gained fame for portraying the character of Dada or Vasant Salvi in the 2021 Zee Marathi romance serial Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayla....