Aman Askar is a Malayalam actor. He made his acting debut with the web series I Promise R.I.A. The Malayalam series by Saina productions was released on 15 November 2019. I Promise R.I.A shows the lives of three teenagers who are together from high school till college. Amar Askar played the lead role in the web series.
Another web series that Aman...
Aman Askar is a Malayalam actor. He made his acting debut with the web series I Promise R.I.A. The Malayalam series by Saina productions was released on 15 November 2019. I Promise R.I.A shows the lives of three teenagers who are together from high school till college. Amar Askar played the lead role in the web series.
Another web series that Aman...
Aashiq Bava is the founder at Saina Video Vision. He completed his Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Amity University in Marketing and Logistics. Before joined Saina Video Vision, he worked as a Manager Sales in Decathlon International for some months.
Aashiq Bava is the founder at Saina Video Vision. He completed his Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Amity University in Marketing and Logistics. Before joined Saina Video Vision, he worked as a Manager Sales in Decathlon International for some months.
Indian Pallassery, alias Indy Pallassery is an Indian actor and director who works in the Malayalam entertainment industry. He was born in 1998, in Kerala, India. He is the son of the Malayalam scriptwriter Babu Pallassery and comes from a cinematic background. Indian debuted in the film industry with the Viji Thampi directorial ’Badadosth’ for which his father was the...
Indian Pallassery, alias Indy Pallassery is an Indian actor and director who works in the Malayalam entertainment industry. He was born in 1998, in Kerala, India. He is the son of the Malayalam scriptwriter Babu Pallassery and comes from a cinematic background. Indian debuted in the film industry with the Viji Thampi directorial ’Badadosth’ for which his father was the...