Anil Katameri is Malayalam Editor. He is from Kozhikode, Kerala, India. He went to the RAC HSS Katameri and the University of Calicut. He is a visual editor at Darshana television and likewise, functions as a specialist supervisor for visual media. He also worked in television programs Vazhivilakku, Karunayam, and Karunavan Nabi....
Hareesh Madone is a Malayalam cinematographer. He is from Wayanad and lives in Kakkayayal. He went to the NMSM Govt school in Kalpatta and the University of Calicut, Kerala. He works as a cameraman at Darshana television. He had worked in shows Karunavan Nabi and E Lokam. ...
Arun A Manassery is a Malayalam Makeup-Artist. He is from Calicut, Kerala. He went to the Mukkam secondary school andCollege of Calicut. Kerala. He is a makeup artist at Darshana television. He had worked in the Malayalam Television program Karunavan Nabi. ...