Sunny Kallooppara is an actor. In 2008-2009, Sunny played the role of Chacko in the TV Series Akkara Kazhchakal. In 2018, he played the character of Kuriakose in the film Avarkkoppam. Ganesh Nair directed the movie Avarkkopam. It was starring Tina Nair, Nishad Paitutharayil, and Susy Mathew. The genre of the movie is Family. In 2019, he appeared in a...
By profession, George Kanatt is a writer and a director. He resides in Kochi, Kerala. He has worked on Ranam (2018), an action crime drama written (dialogue) by him and the director Nirmal Sahadev. Hey, Jude (2018) has also written by George Kanatt and Nirmal Sahadev. He has also worked on Brown Nation (2016), an American comedy-drama series. He is...
Paulose Palatty is a Malayalam actor. He has worked in several movies and films. In 2010, he starred in the series Ezhuthappuram. George Kanatt directed and wrote the storyline for the show. The movie starred Vinu Chemmalakuzhy, Jacob Gregory, Paulose Palatty, and Josekutty Valiyakallumkal. In 2008, he appeared in the show Akkara Kazhchakal. Abi Varghese and Ajayan Venugopalan directed the...
Josekutty Valiyakallumkal is an actor based in India. He has worked predominantly in the Mollywood film industry. In 2008, he worked in American Focus, directed by Ajayan Venugopalan and Abi Varghese, written by Ajayan Venugopalan, and starring Jacob Gregory, Sajini Sacharaiah, and Greg Vorob. He also worked in Akkara Kazhchakal in the same year, directed by Abi Varghese, Ajayan Venugopalan,...
Jacob Gregory has mainly worked in Malayalam films. The 2013 Malayalam flick ABCD is his debut film. This film was directed by Martin Prakkat. The TV series (online sitcom) Akkarakazchagal showcased his acting prowess and he gained recognition for his performance. The name of his character in this series is Gregory or ‘Giri Giri.” This character was well crafted. This...