Sharmila Chandrashekar is a South Indian television actress, most prominently known for her portrayal of Sita in the retelling of The Ramayana for the channel Udaya. Initially, she was a classical dancer well versed in the art of Kuchipudi. She reluctantly started acting with the serial Nammamma Sharade. She had to leave the serial to join the crew of Udaya...
Madhu Hegde is a Sandalwood actor. He majorly acted in Kannada Films. Some of his movies include "E Bandhana" (December 28, 2007), Nayi Neralu (2007), Anthu Inthu Preethi Bandhu (August 16, 2008), Baa Bega Chandamama (2008), Mr. Garagasa (April 12, 2008), and Moore Guttu Ondu Sulu Ondu Nija (2009), and Johny Mera Naam (2011). As a supporting actor, he featured in "Aadi...