Bageshree Nimbalkar is a television actress based in India. She has worked predominantly in the Bollywood film industry. In 2015, she worked in Mitwaa, directed by Swapna Joshi, written by Shirish Latkar, and starring Prarthana Behere, Ila Bhate, Umesh Damle, and Aruna Irani. In 2017, she worked in Vithu Mauli, produced by Addinath Kothare, and starring Atharva Karve, Sanket Korlekar,...
Bageshree Nimbalkar is a television actress based in India. She has worked predominantly in the Bollywood film industry. In 2015, she worked in Mitwaa, directed by Swapna Joshi, written by Shirish Latkar, and starring Prarthana Behere, Ila Bhate, Umesh Damle, and Aruna Irani. In 2017, she worked in Vithu Mauli, produced by Addinath Kothare, and starring Atharva Karve, Sanket Korlekar,...