Eva Grover is a well-known Indian film and television actress. She appeared in mostly popular television serials and put a mark in many household. Her first television appearance was from Ramsay Brothers’ Zee Horror Show which was aired on Zee TV and from the reality show, Mano Ya Na Mano on STAR One. She was also part of the comedy...
Ali Asgar or Ali Azgar is known for his character as Dolly Daadi in Comedy Nights with Kapil. He was born on July 25, 1966 and presently working as an Indian actor. He also worked as a comedian in various Bollywood Indian films and TV serials. He won in the Comedy Circus 1 TV series together with Pakistani, Kashif Khan...
Swapnil Joshi is an Indian television and TV actor who mainly acts in Hindi and Marathi movies and serials and is mostly seen in the genre of comedy. He has also done a few lead roles on both TV and in films, like in the sitcoms Krishna and Hare Kkaanch Ki Choodiyan and Marathi films Checkmate and Duniyadaari. Swapnil Joshi...