Ashwini Khairnar is an Indian TV actress. Ashwini rose to fame from the series ‘Malegaon Ka Chintu’. ‘Malegaon Ka Chintu’ is an Indian comedy show. It aired on SAB TV. Deepti Bhatnagar produced the series. It revolves around the character ‘Chintu’....
Krish Parekh is an Indian television actor, who started his journey in the industry at a very young age. He was known for essaying the role of Karthikeya in the Hindi film, Dharm in 2007 which stars Pankaj Kapoor and Supriya Pathak, under the direction of Bhavna Talwar. ...
Al Amin is a Television Actor, who is famous for his portrayal of Chintu in the Tv Series of Malegaon  ka Chintu in 2010 and Chintu Ban Gaya Gentleman in 2012. Both the shows are of the Silent Comedy Genre and feature on SAB TV. Both the shows produced by Deepti Bhatnagar, focus on a small town boy named Chintu,...