Ishita Varsha is a Kannada Actress who plays the role of Maaya in the famous Kannada TV series, Agnisakshi, which is going on since 2013. She gained quite a lot of praise and popularity for her performance. Ishita made her Sandalwood debut into the film industry with the movie Swartharathna, directed by Ashwin. The movie got released in 2018, her...
Gayathri Gupta is an Indian Telugu performer and TV mediator. She is known for her dynamic and unconventional points of view. She is best understood to be blunt and brutally honest. She is eminent for her talks in News Channels about tossing sexuality problems in Tollywood entertainment industry. She played a character in 'Jogipet,' Sangareddy District, in Telangana State. She...
Srikanth Iyengar is a Telugu actor and director born on 19th August 1970 in Hyderabad. Srikanth completed his education in Hyderabad, and after practicing as a doctor for several years, he shifted his career to acting to follow his passion. He debuted as an actor in 2005 in the film The Angrez. He has also acted in several other films...