Yashy Yashu, whose real name is Yashaswini K Swamy, is a serial actress, prominently appearing in Kannada serials. Her birthday is on 21st November. Yashy Yashu’s latest appearance was in the Kannada serial Mangala Gowri Maduve, which is aired on Colours Kannada. Mangala Gowri Maduve is directed by K S Ramji and is the sequel to Putta Gowri Maduve. This...
Pallavi Ramisetty is an Indian television actress/model who works in the Telugu tv serials and films. She mostly was seen in daily serials on the ETV channel. Pallavi debuted with the show Rangula Kala. She gained fame for the shows Bharyamani and Adadhe Adharam. Pallavi won the Nandi awards for Bharyamani. She was born in 1993 in the city of...