Jabu Deen Faruk is a highly esteemed and accomplished actor in the Indian entertainment industry highly recognised for his work in the Tamil industry. Jabu has been a part of many projects such as “Naam” a 2020-2023 Fantasy drama Musical television series which was produced under the banner of 360 Entertainment Production House. In this series, Jabu shared the screen...
Jabu Deen Faruk is a highly esteemed and accomplished actor in the Indian entertainment industry highly recognised for his work in the Tamil industry. Jabu has been a part of many projects such as “Naam” a 2020-2023 Fantasy drama Musical television series which was produced under the banner of 360 Entertainment Production House. In this series, Jabu shared the screen...
James Kumar, 34, is an actor, singer, and stylist. James is most known for his part on Vettai 2.0, a Singaporean free-to-air tv network owned by Mediacorp. In 2012, he began working in the media. He won the Pradhana Vizha Award for Best Newcomer for this performance. James also acted in the 823-episode serial Tanglin as Dr. Arjun Bhaskar. James...
James Kumar, 34, is an actor, singer, and stylist. James is most known for his part on Vettai 2.0, a Singaporean free-to-air tv network owned by Mediacorp. In 2012, he began working in the media. He won the Pradhana Vizha Award for Best Newcomer for this performance. James also acted in the 823-episode serial Tanglin as Dr. Arjun Bhaskar. James...
Udhaya Soundari is an actress and host who created history by winning three awards in a single year at Pradhana Vizha, an annual ceremony awarding the finest in Singapore television. Udaya's first feature on local television was in 2007 as a participant in the reality singing competition Vasantham Star, where she placed in the top ten. She also attended the prestigious Asian Academy...
Udhaya Soundari is an actress and host who created history by winning three awards in a single year at Pradhana Vizha, an annual ceremony awarding the finest in Singapore television. Udaya's first feature on local television was in 2007 as a participant in the reality singing competition Vasantham Star, where she placed in the top ten. She also attended the prestigious Asian Academy...
Gayathri Segaran is an Indian television actress who works in Tamil Industry. On 31 October 1983, she was born in Singapore. She took a graduation degree in BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from UniSim University in 2011. Gayathri Segaran also hosted on television named Thaalam: Indian beat Eaglevision in 2012. Her contribution to the industry has been over fifteen years. She...
Gayathri Segaran is an Indian television actress who works in Tamil Industry. On 31 October 1983, she was born in Singapore. She took a graduation degree in BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from UniSim University in 2011. Gayathri Segaran also hosted on television named Thaalam: Indian beat Eaglevision in 2012. Her contribution to the industry has been over fifteen years. She...