Uma Riyaz Khan (born Uma) is a Tamil actress who appears in supportive roles in movies. She is also a popular figure in the TV industry where she has performed in serials, dance shows and as judge in comedy shows. Uma was born to music director Kamesh and actress Kamala Kamesh as the only child. She lost her father at...
Chinni Jayanth is a veteran artist and a quite a famous name in the Tamil cinema and TV world. Chinni Jayanth was born in July 26, 1960 in Chennai Tamil Nadu. He is a seasoned actor, comedian, director and producer. He has hosted some very popular Television Programs like Kalakkapovathu Yaar, Asathatpovathu Yarru and Sagalai vs Ragalai. He debuted in...
Erode Mahesh is a TV anchor in Tamil television channel. He is a popular face in Vijay TV. The anchor, Erode Mahesh, as usual, is presenting many TV shows in the Tamil channel. He is in great demand from the way his fans have been applauding the ‘Jodi No 1- Season 8’, ‘ Naduvula Konjam Disturb Pannuvom’, ‘ Kalakka Povathu...