Neeti Simoes is an Indian Bollywood producer, also the sister of the renowned producer Preeti Simoes. She works with her sister Preeti Simoes and the duo has created several remarkable shows together such as Dan Dana Dan in 2018, and Movie Masti with Manish Paul in 2020, The Kapil Sharma Show, Kanpurwale Khuranas, Gangs of Filmistan, and many more. They...
Preeti Simoes is a director, producer & writer by profession working for Indian Television shows. Born on 31 July 1984 and brought up in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She completed her schooling at St. John Convent High School and finished her graduation from the St. Xavier Institute Of Communication Mumbai in 2005. Preeti began her career as an assistant content director...
Sonam Bajwa is an Indian actress - model by profession. Her full name is Sonampreet Bajwa. She was born in Uttarakhand and did her schooling from Jaycees Public School, Rudrapur. She had her higher education from Delhi University. Later on, she became an air hostess. Sonam was also a contestant in Femina Miss India beauty pageant in 2012. Sonam’s more...
Vikrant Thakur is an Indian Cinematographer active in the Bollywood Industry. He has been in the industry since 2015. He is popularly known for his work in the movies –– Yunan: Slay (2021), Tiger Shroff: Poori Gal Baat (2022) and Back Benchers (2019). But he has done his fair share of music videos like Main Tenu Samjhawan (Reprise) by Pawni Pandey, Fakira by...
Pushpinder Zira is a famous stand-up comedian from India. He was the third runner-up of the Indian Comedy Competition reality television series and is the writer of many hit comedy reality shows. He is known for having written scripts of shows like Sony TV’s 'Comedy Circus',  &tv’s 'Comedy Dangal', Colors’ 'Entertainment Ki Raat', Sab TV’s 'Apna News Aayega', Sony Yay’s 'Honey Bunny...
Dhaval Sangani, also known as Dhaval Sanghani, was born and bought up in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He completed his PGDBM in Mass Media, AV Productions from the International School of Business and Media. He has a lot of skills like Video Production, Digital Media, Film Production, Team Management, Storytelling, Film Direction, Creative Content Creation, and a lot more. ...