Anvita is an actress in the entertainment industry. She acted in various films and television shows, such as “Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayala,” which focuses on the characters of Nalu, who lives in the joint family based in Ambernath along with her husband Vasant, daughter Avni and Vasant’s Younger Brother Sharad along with his wife Suman and son Chinya and...
Born on 29 April 1980 in Kolhapur, Priyadarshan Jadhav is a versatile actor, director, writer, and producer in the Marathi Film Industry. With a strong passion for filmmaking, he entered the Marathi film industry. "Vijay Aso" marked his acting debut in 2012, and he later acted and wrote the role of ‘Dagadu’ for the Marathi movie "Timepass 2" in 2015....