Dakshata is an actress who works in the Marathi film industry. She acted in various television serials, such as “Saara Kahi Tichyasathi,” which focuses on the solid relationship between two sisters who got separated from each other due to some misunderstanding. Dakshata plays the role of Nishigandha Raghunath Khot. It was premiered on 21 August 2023. “Abhalachi Maya,” focuses on...
Apurva Nemlekar was born on 27 December 1988 in Mumbai. She is a popular Marathi actress who had featured in many popular Marathi TV serials and movies. Apurva Nemlekar has earned a big name in Marathi showbiz industry in a short span of time due her extraordinary acting skills. Also, she is a very glamorous star that is essential in...
Sonalee Kulkarni is a well known Indian actress. She has mainly contributed her work in Marathi and Hindi cinema. She is noted for her role in movies such as Natarang, Shutter, Classmates, Mitwaa and many more. She entered Bollywood with movie Grand Masti. She was born in Pune. Her parents were Manohar Kulkarni and Savinder. Her father was a doctor...
Atharva Karve is an Indian Television actor based in Maharashtra. He was born on 17th January 2002 and primarily works in the Marathi television industry. Atharva Karve started his career as a child artist and made his debut in a Marathi film called Harishchandrachi Factory, which was released in 2009. The film was inspired by the original Raja Harishchandra film...
Yogesh Shirsat is an Indian film and television actor, born on January 1, 1970.He debuted on the silver screen with Sachin Goswami’s movie, ‘Mast Challay Aamcha’ in 2011. In 2013 he appeared in Sanjay Jadhav’s blockbuster hit movie, ‘Duniyadari', alongside Swapnil Joshi, Ankush Chaudhari, and others. The next year, he appeared in Shiv Kadam’s comedy hit, Cappuccino, along with Devendra...
Siddharth Jadhav is an Indian Film and Television Actor. He works in the Marathi and Bollywood Film Industry, and Television Industry. He is famous for his comic roles. Sidharth was born on the 23rd of October in the year 1977. He is from Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. His father's name is Ramachandra Jadhav, and his mother's name is Mandakini Jadhav. He had...