Actress Suchitra Bandekar is a TV celebrity who is married to renowned Marathi actor Aadesh Bandekar. The couple made an appearance in Sachin-Supriya’s Marathi show - Jodi Tujhi Majhi and shared their experiences how they got married and had a long innings together in their life. Her husband, under his banner ‘ Soham Productions’ was the producer of the crime...
Kshitij Zarapkar has worked as a lyricist, actor, screenwriter, director, and story writer. Kshitij Zarapkar has primarily worked in the Marathi entertainment business. Ideachi Kalpana (2010), Love (2013), Baykocha Nakalatch (2009), and Dhurandhar Bhatawdekar are some of his most well-known films. Kshitij Zarapkar was contented with his career in the United States till he returned to India a few years ago to...
Arya Talwalkar is a native of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He was born on January 20, 1997. He went to Arya Vidya Mandir, Bandra East, to complete his schooling. He currently resides in London, United Kingdom. He has also lived in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. His family consists of his father, Amber Talwalkar, a sister, Anusha Shikre, and a family member,...
Starting his career as a stage performer, and then earning his place in both movie and television industry. Shailesh Datar, in his early life, lived in Nagpur, Maharashtra and after graduating, started acting in Marathi theater and television. He is mostly known by the name of Moropant Tambe, a the role that he played in a historical TV-show named: Jhansi...