Renu Pendharkar is an Indian filmmaker, assistant director, and actor who works mainly in the Bollywood film industry. She completed her education with a diploma of education at MIT Institute of Design, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Renu has been a filmmaker in Mumbai, since 2015. She is known for “The Disciple,” a music drama that was released in 2020, directed and written...
Sai Tamhankar is a popular Indian actress born in the year, 1986 on the '25th of June' in 'Sangli'. She studied at the 'Chintaman College of Commerce' which was where she started her initial career by taking part in street dramas as well as in the inter-college drama competitions. She then acted in the Hindi movie named as Ghaajini in 2008...
Ashish Pathare is a Marathi Script Writer and Dialogue Writer. Ashish has worked in the Marathi and Hindi Television Industry for quite a long time. During his time at Zee Marathi ,he wrote the script for many famous serials like ‘Asa Mi Tasa Mi’, ‘Hasyasamrat’, ‘Malwani Days’, ‘Maharashtracha Superstar’ and the most hit among all Marathi households ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari’....
Akshay Patil is an Indian actor currently working in Indian Television Industry. He is famously known for his role in the sitcom Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai which started airing from 2015. He played the role of Peli Rickshawala of Modern colony, though he plays small roles in the series but he leaves his mark without uttering a single word and...
Rohit Kokate is known for several films such as Nirmal En Route , Vaavta, Jaon Kahan Bata Ae dil, Bogda, etc. He was born in Osmanabad on 16th March 1987. For his higher education, he studied Commerce at The University of Pune. He worked in Marathi serials and was also a part of the Banjo movie....