Jannat Zubair Rahmani, simply known as Jannat Zubair is a television child actress known for her acting in different Indian television series. Jannat Zubair Rahmani was influenced by her father who is also an actor himself. She was seen in several television series like Chand Ke Paar Chalo, Aapki Antara and Kasturi. Jannaat Zubair Rahmani is featured is historical serial...
Rahil Azam is a dashing Indian model and television actor, born on September 27, 1981 in Bangalore, India. He finished Software Engineering course and besides acting, he wants to be a jockey. Rahil works in an IT company in Bangalore before he went to Mumbai. It is always been his dream to be an actor so he took a training...
Ritvik Arora is an Indian Actor. He works in the Hindi Television Industry. Ritvik was born on the 22nd of November 1997. He is from Delhi, India. He grew up in Delhi. He had his schooling from St....