Uma Nair is an Indian film and television actress who has predominantly worked for the Malayalam movies. She has done popular TV shows like “Mounam Sammatham,” in the year 2017, “Balaganapathy,” in 2014 for the season1, “Kalyana Sougandhikam (2016),” based on two sisters, “Krishna Thulasi (2016),” a drama series, “Kana Kanmani,” a drama series in 2016 and “Rathrimazha,” a TV...
Souparnika Subhash's original name was Souparnika Vijay. She was born on April 17, 1989, and is an actress who has worked both in television and films. She is known for her work mainly in Malayalam industry. In her schooling days too, she showed a great talent at competitions of acting and singing and had won many awards for her performances....
Kottayam Rasheed is very famous in the serial world for portraying a variety of roles. He won the Asianet Television Awards for Best Comedy Actor in 2013. He is popular in the role of Mathi Suku in the serial Sthreedhanam. Kottayam Rasheed entered the teleserial world playing villain characters, and then later it became villain characters with a comic touch....