Manoj Dutt is a Mumbai based Bollywood male supporting actor. The actor is 44 years old. He follows Hindu religion and belongs to a Hindu family. The actor has been part of many television soap-operas like Balika Vadhu, CID, Savdhan India, Prithaviraj Chauhan, and many others.
The actor's upcoming movie is Gangs of Gurgaon. He is also known to have featured...
Manoj Dutt is a Mumbai based Bollywood male supporting actor. The actor is 44 years old. He follows Hindu religion and belongs to a Hindu family. The actor has been part of many television soap-operas like Balika Vadhu, CID, Savdhan India, Prithaviraj Chauhan, and many others.
The actor's upcoming movie is Gangs of Gurgaon. He is also known to have featured...