Mayuri Gautam, or Mayuri Kalita, is a famous Assamese actor. She hails from Nalbari, Assam, and lives in Gauhati. Mayuri was born on 17 July 1999. Her father is Gautam Kalita and mother is Anu Datta Kalita. Mayuri has a sister, Priyanka. Priyanka is also a part of the Assamese entertainment industry. She is a professional singer. She has studied...
Karabi Sarma is a popular actress. She is also a social media influencer. She hails from Guwahati. Karabi is an actress in the Assamese film industry. She is also a certified yoga trainer. She runs a YouTube channel on her name. She is a lifestyle influencer. Karabi Sarma is a supporting actor. She has worked in the Assamese thriller movie...