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English Writer Alan Jacobs
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Alan Jacobs is a renowned writer, an English literature scholar, professor as well as a literary critic. Alan went to the University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa and completed his B.A. in the year 1980. In the year 1987, he completed his Ph.D. in the University of Virginia situated in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States. In January 1991, Alan published an article, “David Byrne and the Curse of Lifestyle” for First Things. He continued to publish articles for First Things. They include “Aristocrats at Bay” (August/September 1991), “Salman Rushdie Gets Religion” (January 1991), “Suya Wars” (May 2012), “Signs and Wonders” (December 1993), “Auden and the Limits of Poetry” (August/September 2001), and much more.

He then published articles for Books and Culture which is a Christian review. His works include “Wole Soyinka’s Outrage” (November 1. 2001), “Life Among the Cyber-Amish” (July 1, 2002), “What Narrative Theology Forgot” (November 1. 2003), etc. He also wrote for The Wall Street Journal, Culture11, Big Questions Online, The Atlantic, The New Atlantis, and The American Conservative. Until 2012, Alan worked at the Wheaton College, Illinois, United States. He worked as a Clyde S, Kilby Chair professor specializing in English. He left Wheaton College and joined Baylor University, Waco, Texas, United States.

He is a professor of Humanities distinguishing in the Honors Program. He specializes in Theology and Literature, The Poetry of W.H. Auden, and The History of Books and Reading. Alan joining the Baylor University was recorded as a rivalry between both the Christian colleges, Wheaton College and the Baylor University. Alan published his first book in 1998 from the University of Arkansas. The book was called, “What Become of Wystan?”. From Brazos Press, he published a bunch of moral essays called “A Visit to Vanity Fair” in the year 2001. His other books include “Shaming the Devil”, “Looking Before and After”, Wayfaring”, Must Christianity Be Violent”, and much more. In 2013, he released a book called, “The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography” from Princeton. In the same year, he published, “The Age of Anxiety” which was a critical edition of W.H. Auden with the same title.

It was also published by Princeton University Press. Presently, Alan Jacobs is working on his new book which is due to be released in October 2017. It is called, “How To Think.” In 2018, he is set to release yet another book which will be named as “The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Intellectuals and Total War.”


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