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Hindi Tv Show Way Back Home

Way Back Home Hindi TV SHOWS on Epic Channel
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Way Back Home is a Hindi language TV show that aired on the EPIC channel, known for its innovative TV shows. The show aired on TV from 14 March 2018 every Wednesday at 10 pm, for 13 episodes. It was directed by Rohan Thakur Rohan Thakur is a well-known director and producer >> Read More... and Bharathi Bahrain. It is a travelogue produced by the filmmaker Rohan Thakur, who is popularly known as Ronny. The show features him as he embarks upon a journey to his homeland, Himachal Pradesh. The show gives a first-person narrative of the experience of visiting one’s homeland after years. From Delhi, Ronny goes to Himachal Pradesh along with his team. He visits all the places there are to visit in Kullu and Manali and does all the adventures there are.

He explores and takes part in the cultures, festivals, traditions, tourist attractions, functions, markets, livelihoods, people, street food, and fields and allows nature to mesmerise him. The show follows the concept of finding one’s true and inner self. It is said that you need to search for something wherever you lost it. The thing that we lose in life, the thing that allows us to let go of the bad and just enjoy the moment, is our inner child. And for searching our inner child, we need to go back to the place we grew up and relive the memories.

Ronny spent most of his childhood in Manali, so he went back there to rediscover himself. The episode titles and the places he visited in each episode are; 1. Kullu and Manali: Jogni Falls. 2. Kullu Valley and Parvati Valley: Solang Nala, Malana village, Bijli Mahadev temple. 3. Mandi and Kangra Valley: town of Rewalsar, Kangra Fort, the town of Bir. 4. Kangra Valley and Chamber Valley: Maharana Pratap Sagar Lake, Kugti village. 5. Sangla Valley (lower Kinnaur): Kamru village. 6. Upper Kinnaur: Kalpa, Nako village. 7. Spiti Valley: Kibber and Dhakar villages. 9. Lahaul Valley: Rohtang Pass, Lahaul village, Teeling village. 10. Lahaul Valley: Keylong, Shashur Gompa. 11 and 12. Leh and Ladakh. In the 13th episode, behind the scenes of every episode and a recap of them is featured.



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Shraddha Arya
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