Namaskara is a talk show which got aired on the Colors Kannada channel. It is a Kannada language show which got broadcasted every day of the week barring on Sundays i.e. from Monday to Saturday in the 8:00 to 8:30 AM time slot. It features interviews and candid chats with some well-known celebrities from various walks of life. Many of them belong to the political sphere and even the Kannada film as well as the television industry. It features in-depth conversations about various aspects of their professional as well as personal lives. It presents their life’s story and what they have undergone to get to the position they hold today. The guests chat candidly about the challenges and obstacles they have overcome. In fact, some of them are still battling various hurdles, and they discuss their approach towards the same.
Namaskara gets hosted by the noted writer Jayant Kaikini. He has penned many masterpieces in the Kannada language and is one of the stalwarts in the Kannada literary world. The series opened its very first episode by inviting none other than the Jnanpeeth award recipient, U.R. Ananthamurthy. He has a variety of accolades against his name and gets counted amongst one of the pioneers in his field. The series features a very casual chat with the guests and looks upon their views upon different contemporary issues. The focus lies on discussions with the person instead of merely introducing them to the audiences. Jayant Kaikini has done a beautiful job of steering the show and ensuring that the topics discussed stay away from monotonous discussions, especially considering the fact that the invitees are all well-known personalities and large parts of their lives are already in the public domain.
This show also marks the host’s inaugural foray into the world of Indian television. He got chosen for the task given his penchant for interacting with a number of citizens and being a great conversationalist. This attribute reflects clearly on the show as well as he slips into a comfortable chat with all the guests, shedding the appearance of an interview. He masterfully steers the conversation across various domains. He invited some famous guests and spoke over the course of the program including the likes of Veerappa Moily and Ravi Belegere. They have all shared some intimate stories from their lives and presented a face which differs many times from the famous perception amidst the audiences at home.