Home Telugu Telugu Cinematographer

Gopi Amitabh

Telugu Cinematographer Gopi Amitabh
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Gopi Amitabh is an Indian film director, cinematographer, writer, and editor. Gopi Amitabh is known by another name called Andhra Amitabh Gopi, Gopi Bachchan, Telangana Bachchan, Rednam Venkata Rao, and Gopi. Gopi Amitabh was born on May 12, 1968, in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. Gopi Amitabh lives in Hyderabad, India. Gopi Amitabh is not a vegetarian. His father's name is R. Krishna Murthy. Gopi Amitabh married a Tamil woman on August 22, 1992. The couple was blessed with one child. Gopi Amitabh has predominantly worked for the Tamil film industry. He is known for his notable work in several Tamil films like Picchodu, released in 2019, and many more.


Born: 5 June 1975

Age Now 49

Gopinadh - (Movie Actor)

Born: 5 June 1974

Age Now 50

Bhaskara Batla - (Lyricist)

Born: 5 June 1993

Age Now 31

Shruti Yugal - (Movie Actress)

Born: 5 June 1995

Age Now 29

Lahari Shari - (Movie Actress)

Born: 5 June 2002

Age Now 22

Sahithi Dasari - (TV-Actress)

Born: 5 June 1990

Age Now 34

Adi Reddy T - (Producer)

Born: 5 June 1993

Age Now 31

Surabhi Swathi - (Actress)