Home Hindi Hindi Supporting Actress

Khushboo Gupta

Hindi Supporting Actress Khushboo Gupta
  • Gender : Female
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Khushboo Gupta is an Indian Actress, who has worked overwhelmingly in Bollywood. She has worked in famous motion pictures like Hamara Tiranga, Right Yaar, and some more. She outlined a dazzling character and got gratefulness from people guideline speaking when all is said in done. She has a substitute strategy of limits and qualities handling testing titles.

A tranquil and formed on-screen character appeared to energize during every last bit of her introductions. She is a polite masterpiece showing her vitality to work in this industry. She has gained some astounding ground from the most punctual beginning stage and certifications to leave an engraving in Bollywood.

Her acting employment has shown her an immense measure of substances life. She declares that one needs to focus and be centered around getting by in this industry.

Intensity and fun are dependably on an extent if one is embarked to push toward getting to be showbiz distinction in the showbiz. Additionally, it is commendable not to get unnecessarily worried in work as it will affect the presentation on set. A quiet and formed entertainer appeared to energize during every last bit of her introductions. She is an energizing future megastar.


Born: 1 June 1985

Age Now 39

Dinesh Karthik - (Cricket)

Born: 1 June 1982

Age Now 42

Kajal Nishad - (TV-Actress)

Born: 1 June 1991

Age Now 33

Pooja Gaur - (TV-Actress)

Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Priya Shinde - (TV-Actress)

Born: 1 June 1965

Age Now 59

Vinod Kapoor - (TV-Actor)

Born: 1 June 1964

Age Now 60

Ismail Darbar - (Movie Actor)

Born: 1 June 1990

Age Now 34

Shahzad Ali - (Singer)

Born: 1 June 1973

Age Now 51

Anjjan Bhattacharya - (Composer)