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Jatla Siddartha

Other names of Jatla Siddartha: Siddartha Jatla
Hindi Director Jatla Siddartha
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Siddhartha is an actor, director and cinematographer in the entertainment industry. He worked in several films such as “Girlz,” which focuses on the character of Mati who is a teenager and wants to explore everything in her life. She wants to visit Goa and convince her parents to let her go. Mati also develops new friends and learns new lessons of life during this journey. It was released on 29 November 2019 and was directed by Vishal Devrukhar. “Love and Shukla,” which revolves around the life of a rickshaw driver, who recently got married and wants to build intimacy with his wife. It was released on 1 September 2018.

“The Tale of a Tiger,” which focuses on the efforts of a village, who is trying to capture a tiger to fulfill their purposes. It was directed by Sameer Asha Patil Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . “ Boyz Yet another bang on love story on Reliance Enterta >> Read More... ,” which focuses on the character of Kabir who was sent to boarding school by his mother and aunt. In the boarding, he became friends with Dhairya Dhungya. It was released on 8 September 2017 and was directed by Vishal Devrukhkar. “One day Mataram,” which focuses on the celebration of patriotism day in the urban and modern living by showing a man love for his country.

It was released on 14 August 2015 and was directed by Vijayeta Kumar Vijayeta Kumar is a very talented writer, producer >> Read More... . “Boyz 2,” which was released on 5 October 2018 and was directed by Vishal Devrukhkar, “Belongings,” which was released on 15 September 2017 and was produced by Amanda Mooney and Rahool Suttar, “VH1 Supersonic,” which was released on 30 December 2014, “IN Between,” which was released on 25 February 2013 and was directed by Sharofat Arabova, “A Night,” which was released on 17 June 2012 and was directed by Ranjith Oraon and “Flying High,” which was released on 25 August 2010 and was directed by Sharofat Arabova. 


Born: 1 June 1985

Age Now 39

Dinesh Karthik - (Cricket)

Born: 1 June 1982

Age Now 42

Kajal Nishad - (TV-Actress)

Born: 1 June 1991

Age Now 33

Pooja Gaur - (TV-Actress)

Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Priya Shinde - (TV-Actress)

Born: 1 June 1965

Age Now 59

Vinod Kapoor - (TV-Actor)

Born: 1 June 1964

Age Now 60

Ismail Darbar - (Movie Actor)

Born: 1 June 1990

Age Now 34

Shahzad Ali - (Singer)

Born: 1 June 1973

Age Now 51

Anjjan Bhattacharya - (Composer)