Home Production Company English

English Production Company



Morgan Freeman English Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1937

Age Now 87

Morgan Freeman - (Movie Actor)

Amy Schumer English Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1981

Age Now 43

Amy Schumer - (Movie Actress)

Heidi Klum English Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1973

Age Now 51

Heidi Klum - (Movie Actress)

Ed Oxenbould English Child Artist
Born: 1 June 2001

Age Now 23

Ed Oxenbould - (Child Artist)

Jonathan Pryce English Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1947

Age Now 77

Jonathan Pryce - (Movie Actor)

Marilyn Monroe English Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1926

Lived For 35 Years

Marilyn Monroe - (Movie Actress)

Tom Holland English Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1996

Age Now 28

Tom Holland - (Movie Actor)

Stefan Grube English Editor
Born: 1 June 1981

Age Now 43

Stefan Grube - (Editor)


A Production Company

A Production Company is a company which acts as the backbone of a movie or a program. It is also referred to as Production House or Production Studio. It is responsible for raising funds for a said script, roping in directors & actors and distribution of the film on completion. These companies also hire people who help in the filming process.

There are quite a number of people in a production company. Some of the key people are Development head, script readers, Marketing head, Distribution heads, Executives, Producers etc. Depending on the size of the production company, the staff may also vary and might include Human Resources, Admin people and more. Most of the successful production companies function with just a main producer and 2 or more support staffs.

In other words, the decision whether a movie can be made successfully or not rests in the hands of the Production Company.