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Ayn Rand

English Novelist Ayn Rand
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Ayn Rand was born on February 2, 1905, in Russia. She was born in a Jewish Russian Family. She is the first daughter of the family with two siblings. Her parents are Zinovy Zakharovich and Anna Borisovna. Her father was a businessman and a pharmacist. She found difficulty in going to school and thus she stopped goving to school at the age of eight and started her story writing career at the age of eight and writing novels at the age of ten.

Her closest friend is Olga. They both have the same interest in politics, and that made them undergo several debates and other events which occur in Nabokov Mansion. She actively participated in the February revolution which occurs at her age of twelve in 1917. During her age of sixteen, she started her studies in the Social pedagogy for the Department of History. In there she was greatly influenced by the writings of Aristotle and Plato. Apart from that she also studied the works of another philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Her first published work is an assignment about Pola Negri, a Polish actress.

She then made her professional name as Rand for all her works. She visited America by the year 1926.She got her first success in selling her Red Pawn screenplays to the Universal Studios by the year 1932. Her first formed drama is Night of January 16th and was produced by E.E.Clive. Her next novel play is Ideal written in 1934 but first published in 2015. Rand's semi-autobiography We the Living was released in 1936. By 1942 the same was directed into the play Noi Vivi and Addio Kira without the permission and knowledge of Rand but later it is found and got edited again into the show We the Living in the year 1986.

During her preparation for her great novel, The Fountainhead she did a small work for the novel Anthem. The Fountainhead publication has influenced several readers. During the year 1960 and 1970, she started giving lectures in several halls. The topic she chose to speak included military draft, Abortion rights, calling homosexuality as immoral and disgusting etc. The literary intellectuals of American and English literature didn't give importance to her works. However, her literary endeavors were looked upon starting from the 1990s. . Rand created several novels, Fictions and nonfiction. Scholar


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