Home Marketing Head English

English Marketing Head



Donald Trump English Politician
Born: 14 June 1946

Age Now 78

Donald Trump - (Politician)

Jay Roach English Director
Born: 14 June 1957

Age Now 67

Jay Roach - (Director)

Daryl Sabara English Movie Actor
Born: 14 June 1992

Age Now 32

Daryl Sabara - (Movie Actor)

Lucy Hale English Movie Actress
Born: 14 June 1989

Age Now 35

Lucy Hale - (Movie Actress)

Kevin McHale English Movie Actor
Born: 14 June 1988

Age Now 36

Kevin McHale - (Movie Actor)

Tyler Johnston English Movie Actor
Born: 14 June 1987

Age Now 37

Tyler Johnston - (Movie Actor)

Kelly Rose Golden English TV-Actress
Born: 14 June 1999

Age Now 25

Kelly Rose Golden - (TV-Actress)


Marketing Head

Marketing head looks after the branding, imaging, sales, promotions, advertisements, etc of a given personality or a firm. They are trusted to bring forth maximum profits efficiently. Marketing head are responsible for the financial side of the firm and thus need to be updated about the everyday happenings from all around that concern the firm.

Advertising in this day and age is extremely important. In fact, more than the quality of the product, the advertisement is important as people need to know about the product and it shouldn't go unnoticed. The marketing head does exactly that. They follow the latest trends, understand the market and then come up with different ideas of how to promote the product differently to make it stand out from the crowd of other products.

The marketing head leads their team of professionals who also deal with the sales and promotions of the same firm respectively.