4th Man Out is a Comedy-Drama film written by Aaron Dancik. Andrew Nackman has directed the film. It features Parker Young (Chirs), Evan Todd (Adam), Chord Overstreet Chord Paul Overstreet was born on 17 February 1989 >> Read More... (Nick), Jon Gabrus (Ortu), Kate Flannery (Karen), Jennifer Damiano (Tracy), Laura Harrier (Dorothy Cuda), Jordan Lane Price (Jessica), Doug Moe (Bradstar), Alex Rennie (Paul), Brooke Dillman (Martha), Jake Epstein (Marc), Sean Hankinson (Derek), Heather Blair (Lindsay), and others. Herman Beeftink has given the music for the film. The film’s producers are Lauren Avinoam, Heather Hogarth, Lauren Hogarth, David LaHorgue, Katie Leary, and Jed Mellick. Damian Horan is the cinematographer of the film. Michael P. Shawver is the editor of the movie.
The film revolves around Adam, an orthodox small-town mechanic, who is a gay and decides to reveal this to his three best-friends on his twenty forth birthday. He was nervous about how will they react to his truth and feared that this might affect their friendship. Initially, his three best friends - Chris, Nick, and Ortu, were shocked and found it hard to digest, but soon they realized their role and supported their friend - Adam. Adam then tries dating, and his friends try to help him out. The group’s attempt to help Adam creates a hilarious situation. Will Adam be able to find his partner? How did the other people of the town react? The story answers these questions.
Star Performances
Evan Todd, as Adam, showcased a nuanced and detailed acting performance. He skillfully presents the internal turmoil of his character in an emotional and comic manner. Parker Young’s, playing Chris, comic timing and emotional quotient add to the brilliance of his character. Chord Overstreet’s (Nick) portrayal of a character who genuinely cares about his friends with innocence and sincerity adds to the group’s dynamics. Jon Gabrus portrayed Ortu as a humorous and light-hearted person who felt genuine. The rest of the cast did what they were asked for.
‘4th Man Out’ is a humorous take on a bold topic. The film showcased emotions like denial, friendship, and acceptance through the perspective of a gay character – a taboo topic which people feel awkward about. The story challenges the social stigma associated with homosexuality and signifies the importance of friendship and support when one is struggling with one’s sexuality. The humorous approach doesn’t feel forced and strange. However, the plot is somewhat predictable. The story feels superficial and lacks depth while exploring the complexities and difficulties Adam and his friends face. The director maintains a light-hearted approach throughout the narrative and it reduces the psychological and emotional impact of the story. There are some supporting characters who fell unwanted and forced. The acting performances are acceptable; however, lack of background and shallow characterization make few characters underutilized. John’s music fits well with the film’s tone and enhances the overall quality of the film, but it lacks innovation. It feels monotonous and one hardly remembers it after walking out of the theatres. Damaian Horan skillfully captures the small-town setting and adds realism to the film. However, there is scope for betterment when it comes to editing. The lack of effort is evident from the pacing issues of the film.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
‘4th Man Out’ is a light-heart-felt story that humorously presents a taboo topic of today’s society. The humor works, and it doesn’t feel forced Also, the emotional aspect of the film works most of the time. However, it falls short when it comes to character development and impactful direction. Despite all its lacking, it’s an enjoyable ride of four friends.