array (size=1)
  0 => 
    array (size=5)
      'url' => string 'celebrity/malayalam/director/sandeep-pampally' (length=45)
      'adescription' => string '<p>Sandeep Pampally is a film director, screenwriter, and an actor. He was born on 22nd March 1979 and bought up in Calicut, India. Pampally completed his bachelor&#39;s in Chemistry from Devagiri College, Calicut. His debut movie was Sinjar, which bagged the Best film award at the 65th National Film Awards and also the Best Feature Film in Jasari.</p>

<p>Other than being a well-known and accomplished director, Pampally has also published two short story collection books, Gauramikal and Ummukkulsuvinte Ami'... (length=1130)
      'title' => string 'Sandeep Pampally' (length=16)
      'alttag' => string 'Sandeep Pampally Malayalam Director' (length=35)
      'thumbnail' => string '08-08-2019/sandeep-pampally.jpg' (length=31)