Here are the Bollywood celebrities born on 17th January 1968! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs
Age Now 56
Shrikant Narayan - (Singer)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age now 33
A Kay - (Singer)
Age now 34
Alizeh Tahir - (TV-Actress)
Age now 54
Anand Kumar - (Director)
Age now 46
Anjana Sukhani - (TV-Actress)
Age now 23
Ardhra Sajan - (Musician)
Age now 70
Babra Sharif - (Actress)
Barinder Dhapai - (Actor)
Age now 57
Ben Ripley - (Writer)
Chandrika Bhattacharya - (Singer)
Dasu Vaidya - (Lyricist)
Age now 56
Deanne Pandey - (Author)
Director Anand Kumar - (Director)
Age now 47
Emmanuelle Chriqui - (Movie Actress)
Age now 64
G. Venugopal - (Singer)
Age now 74
Gregg Berger - (Voice-Over Artist)
Age now 39
Harish Hiriyur - (Comedian)
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